Caledon, Postcodes, Census & Livability Index

✅ Facts Checked By Data Team - Article By Paul Hyland & Reviewed By Mary Byrne

Find the complete list of Caledon ward postcodes & properties. View information about the amenities available in the ward, census, etc.

This article also covers valuable insights regarding safety and the cost of living in the neighbourhood of Caledon. Whether you're a resident or considering moving to Caledon, the information below will guide you to make an informed decision.

You can also use our interactive map to access detailed information regarding recent crimes, public transport, nearby schools, police stations, postcodes, etc.


  1. Caledon is a ward in the Mid Ulster District.
  2. Caledon has 116 active postcodes and has a population of 3405.
  3. There are 1143 properties in the neighbourhood of Caledon.
  4. The Mid Ulster District has 39 other wards.

Livability Index

Discover the livability index of Caledon, calculated by evaluating factors such as safety, property prices, nearby amenities, and more. Our analysis rates the ward at 51, indicating a good level of livability.








Mid Ulster

Map of Caledon Ward - Postcodes

List of All Postcodes in Caledon Ward

Showing 1 - 50 out of 116 active Postcodes in Caledon Ward

Postcode Latitude Longitude
BT68 4TL 54.350 -6.835
BT68 4TN 54.347 -6.838
BT68 4TP 54.350 -6.837
BT68 4TR 54.350 -6.836
BT68 4TS 54.351 -6.836
BT68 4TT 54.351 -6.834
BT68 4TU 54.350 -6.836
BT68 4TY 54.352 -6.837
BT68 4TZ 54.351 -6.837
BT68 4UA 54.352 -6.839
BT68 4UB 54.352 -6.839
BT68 4UD 54.351 -6.840
BT68 4UE 54.351 -6.839
BT68 4UF 54.351 -6.840
BT68 4UH 54.360 -6.880
BT68 4UJ 54.339 -6.858
BT68 4UL 54.356 -6.894
BT68 4UP 54.352 -6.841
BT68 4UQ 54.354 -6.873
BT68 4UR 54.353 -6.841
BT68 4US 54.353 -6.839
BT68 4UT 54.352 -6.842
BT68 4UW 54.352 -6.841
BT68 4UX 54.355 -6.835
BT68 4UY 54.362 -6.832
BT68 4UZ 54.353 -6.839
BT68 4XA 54.376 -6.829
BT68 4XB 54.391 -6.826
BT68 4XD 54.398 -6.820
BT68 4XE 54.364 -6.839
BT68 4XF 54.369 -6.833
BT68 4XG 54.374 -6.829
BT68 4XH 54.359 -6.845
BT68 4XJ 54.378 -6.865
BT68 4XL 54.390 -6.870
BT68 4XN 54.397 -6.874
BT68 4XP 54.370 -6.896
BT68 4XQ 54.353 -6.840
BT68 4XR 54.362 -6.884
BT68 4XS 54.377 -6.884
BT68 4XT 54.386 -6.851
BT68 4XU 54.373 -6.845
BT68 4XW 54.368 -6.877
BT68 4XX 54.398 -6.853
BT68 4XY 54.393 -6.825
BT68 4XZ 54.396 -6.829
BT68 4YA 54.385 -6.812
BT68 4YB 54.392 -6.879
BT68 4YD 54.385 -6.882
BT68 4YE 54.372 -6.905

FAQs about Caledon Ward

There are 116 active postcodes in Caledon ward. © 2023. All rights reserved.